Sophie Séguin-Lamarche
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Positif + Public relations firm
Montréal, Québec


During her career, Sophie Séguin-Lamarche spent several years at the head of an SME and she ranked among the top 30 best Quebec entrepreneurs of her generation. She has also received an award from the House of Commons of Canada for her leadership in the women’s business community. In 2016, Sophie was selected Jeune Femme Leader by Concertation Montréal. In recent years, she has perfected her expertise in communication and political strategy in the National Assembly of Quebec, as director of communications and operations for a Think Tank specializing in public policy and subsequently as director of communications within a party represented in the National Assembly of Quebec. She also work as Executive Director of the Fédération autonome de l’enseignement, which comprises 9 unions and represents more than 50,000 teachers in the province of Quebec.