To assist potential Conference applicants, a number of profiles are set out below highlighting key biographical data of some former members including occupational experience, qualifications, community involvements and special interests. These member details have been worded in a manner so as to protect their identity and are recorded to provide potential applicants with some benchmarks against which their own biographical details might be compared.
Female, 39 years old who held a position as Corporate Accounts Manager for a financial institution. Prior to this position she had worked in the various departments of the institution including public relations, human resources, and branch management. She also worked as a journalist and continued to write business-related articles for newspapers and magazines. She held a Bachelor Degree in Human Resource Management and a Master Degree in Business Administration. She was a member of the Board of Directors for her city’s art gallery.
Male, 38 years old from Québec, who is Senior Site Manager for a team of 30 engineers at a publicly listed company. At the time of the Conference had worked for 15 years in the engineering industry and was an active member of his professional association. He has given speeches to young entrepreneurs and has volunteered as a mentor to technology students in CÉGEPs.
Female, 40 years old who held a senior advisory position in the Indigenous and Community Affairs Department of a private energy company. She was Chair of an Indigenous development committee and a member of her city’s economic and business committee. For eight years she was a spokesperson for Indigenous issues and worked with a variety of media to create an awareness of these issues. She has spoken at conferences and seminars across the country. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and Master’s Degree in Business Administration. She enjoyed organizing and participating in and variety of community and regional events.
Female, 36 years old who held a management position in strategic planning with the federal government. She began her career in the financial services industry as a Chartered Accountant and has experience in public, management, and government accounting. She has been on the Board of Directors of an accounting association for eight years. Her volunteer involvement included overseeing tax program improvement committees and participating in homelessness fundraising events, for which she received an award as Volunteer of the Year.
Male, 40 years old who held a senior position with a major industrial union. He has chaired the union’s Education and Awareness Committee and has helped developed pay-for-performance programs for union members. He has negotiated several collective agreements and has received two awards for his skill in negotiation. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Political Science and a Master’s Degree in Industrial Relations. His personal interests included coaching “Junior B” hockey team.
Male, 34 years old, from Atlantic Canada. He is a property manager for a federal government department. He is Chair of an Acadian language development committee and has volunteered as Treasurer for an Acadian youth organization. His personal interests include researching the history of Acadian settlement in the Maritimes and fly-fishing.
Male, 29 years old, from Montréal. Vice President of a regional not-for-profit organization dedicated to local and regional environmental issues. Frequent spokesperson in media. Maintains ongoing liaison with national NGOs that work on similar issues. Application supported by his Executive Director and Board members.
Female, 33 years old from B.C., who is COO and founding shareholder in a start-up food company. At the time of the Conference had focused exclusively on growing her business to the point it had 6 employees and an expanding client base. With the job and two children she has very limited time, but she volunteers as a Director of a local community college. The Conference is a major time commitment for her but she values the leadership development experience and the insights into her own strengths and weaknesses as a entrepreneurial leader.