
    GGCLC National Alumni Reunion 2020
    Dates: June 12-14, 2020
    Location: Quebec City (Quebec)

    Your Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the second National Alumni Reunion will take place in Quebec City, June 12—14, 2020 - directly following the closing plenary of the 2020 Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference.

    The Alumni Program will offer a range of leadership development and social activities in Quebec City and the full program and schedule will be distributed in 2019, including the registration form and details on the guest speakers. The program will include break-outs and plenary discussions on key issues. The admission fee will be set on a cost-recovery basis, with the anticipated price for sessions, receptions, breakfasts and lunches being $285 per person for June 12-14. Consistent with the 2017 reunion, the fee will be reduced for alumni travelling from the North.

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to book facilities now, we require an indication of our reunion attendance numbers. If you are seriously considering attending the reunion, could you please indicate it below, and provide contact information for future news updates. By filling in this form, you are NOT making a final commitment to attend, but you are helping us project attendance.

    While entering data, please do not use the ENTER or RETURN keys to avoid sending the form before you are finished. Please use the TAB key to proceed from field to field.

    RSVP Response

    Yes, I am interested in attending the 2020 Alumni Reunion and I would like to be kept informed of the program development.

    No, I am not planning to attend the 2020 Alumni Reunion.

    Contact Information

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email Address (required)


    Share your 2020 Reunion program ideas with the National Alumni Committee

    For more information regarding the GGCLC National Alumni Reunion , please contact us at