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Katleen Taylor's Portrait

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I am delighted to report that Her Excellency the Governor General has accepted the
recommendation of the Board of Directors that the next Conference take place in 2020, opening
in Ontario on May 29 and closing in Quebec City on June 12.
Preparations will begin shortly to form the new National Executive Committee and Regional
Committees.  The Governor General has clear ideas on the theme that we will discuss with her
more thoroughly, but you can expect it will reflect her very strong interests in science and
On a personal note, I will make every effort to ensure 2020 meets or exceeds the very high
standards of previous conferences.  The GGCLC is the top leadership development experience
in our country, and its participants make an increasingly important difference to the quality of
decision-making in Canada on many levels.  I look forward to working with the Conference
alumni to carry on this important work. 
Kathleen Taylor, C.M.